New psychology research reveals four distinct archetypes of stereotypical single people

A recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin sheds light on how single women and single men perceive discrimination and stereotypes associated with their single status.

For years, researchers have explored the experiences of single individuals, but the intersection of gender and singlehood has remained relatively unexplored. The new study sought to fill this gap by examining whether single women and single men differ in their perceptions of discrimination and the stereotypes they face due to their single status.

“Research on gendered singlism has been really inconsistent! On the one hand, dozens of qualitative narratives from single women describe extremely negative experiences of singlehood-based discrimination and stereotyping, especially related to gendered issues such as children or sexuality,” said study author Hannah Dupuis, a doctoral student at Simon Fraser University and member of the Singlehood Experiences and Complexities Underlying Relationships (SECURE) Lab.

“On the other hand, quantitative studies have not found compelling gender differences in singlehood-based discrimination between single women and single men. I was interested in trying to reconcile these inconsistencies by utilizing a mixed-methods approach to examine single women and single men’s reports of discrimination and perceptions of stereotypes.”

The study, conducted across two parts, involved a total of 286 participants from the United States and Canada. In Study 1, 140 participants took part, including 71 single women and 69 single men, with an average age of 50.31 years. Study 2 included 146 participants, comprising 70 single women and 76 single men, with an average age of 49.77 years.

Participants were asked to complete an online questionnaire, which included questions about their perceptions of discrimination related to singlehood. They were also asked to provide stereotypes associated with single women and single men, both positive and negative. This approach allowed researchers to gather quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously.

The researchers found that both single women and men were associated with positive traits such as independence and kindness, while gender-neutral negative stereotypes included being seen as selfish or promiscuous. One surprising aspect was the emergence of particularly negative gender-specific stereotypes. For instance, some participants associated single men with terms like “incels.”

“We expected that single women would have more harsh stereotypes than single men, and that this would explain why single women tend to report negative singlehood experiences,” Dupuis said. “We were surprised by how many positive stereotypes came up for single women that highlighted their resilience, creativity, and strength. In contrast, some of the stereotypes of single men were extremely negative, such as ‘pedophile’ and ‘misogynist,’ which highlighted that some single men may be perceived as dangerous and hostile.”

The researchers identified four distinct archetypes of stereotypical single people, each with its own set of associated traits and characteristics. These archetypes provide insight into how society perceives and stereotypes single individuals, shedding light on the often complex and sometimes contradictory beliefs held about them.

The Professional:

Traits: Single individuals in this archetype are often seen as independent, ambitious, and hard-working. They are considered successful and capable in their careers or personal pursuits.
Gender Nuance: Single women in this category were uniquely stereotyped as “successful” and “capable,” highlighting their achievements. In contrast, single men in this group were often seen as “reliable” and “career-driven,” emphasizing their commitment to work.

The Carefree:

Traits: This archetype portrays single people as grounded, free-spirited, kind, and fun-loving. They are perceived as open-minded and enjoy life without the constraints of a committed relationship.
Gender Nuance: Single women in this category were described as “creative” and “open-minded,” emphasizing their free-spirited nature. Single men in this group were perceived as “flexible” and having more free time, indicating their ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

The Heartless:

Traits: Individuals in this archetype are often stereotyped as selfish, promiscuous, and noncommittal. They may be seen as lacking empathy or emotional depth.
Gender Nuance: Single women in this category were uniquely stereotyped as “bitchy” and “untrusting,” suggesting a perception of guardedness. Single men in this group were often seen as “detached” and “untrustworthy.”

The Loner:

Traits: This archetype portrays single people as lonely, unattractive, and antisocial. They may be perceived as isolated and distant from others.
Gender Nuance: Single women in this category were described as “frigid” and “bitter,” suggesting a sense of unhappiness in their solitude. Single men in this group were often seen as “slobby” and “immature,” potentially reflecting a belief in their lack of social skills.

“The main message in our research is that single people – regardless of their gender – face discrimination and stereotyping,” Dupuis told PsyPost. “We identified four archetypes of singles that were fairly similar across single women and single men. This is significant because it highlights that there may be socially acceptable reasons to be single, such as staying single to pursue a career goal or engage in self-exploration. Singlism may be more extreme for those who are single because they are seen as too fussy or selfish (i.e., ‘Heartless’) or antisocial and immature (i.e., ‘Loner’).”

Contrary to some expectations, there were no significant differences in the amount of personal discrimination reported by single women and single men. In both studies, participants from both groups reported similar levels of personal discrimination.

While there were no significant overall differences in personal discrimination ratings between single women and single men, there were nuanced differences. Single female participants reported experiencing more perceived discrimination toward single people as a group compared to single male participants. This finding suggests that single women perceive a higher level of discrimination against all singles, regardless of gender.

“Another important finding was that single women reported that while they don’t personally experience high amounts of singlism, they believe that single women as a group do,” Dupuis said. “This personal-group discrimination discrepancy has been frequently documented among people with marginalized identities, such as people of color. This discrepancy is considered a protective mechanism because stigmatized people can downplay negative experiences they’ve had, while recognizing the struggles their group faces.”

But the study, like all research, includes some limitations. While it provided valuable insights, the findings are based on self-reported data, which can be influenced by individual perceptions and biases. Additionally, the study focused on a specific age group and region, potentially limiting its generalizability.

“What remains to be tested is whether single women are still evaluated more harshly than single men on similar traits,” Dupuis explained. “For example, it may be considered less socially valuable to have an ‘independent’ single women compared to an ‘independent’ single man. Similarly, a ‘sexually promiscuous’ single women may be evaluated more harshly than a “sexually promiscuous” single man. Future research should examine whether gender shapes evaluations of singles on the specific traits.”

The study, ““Cat Ladies” and “Mama’s Boys”: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Gendered Discrimination and Stereotypes of Single Women and Single Men“, was authored by Hannah E. Dupuis and Yuthika U. Girme.

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