Review: Kiwi Design Charging Dock for Quest 2

Kiwi Design is back again with yet another addition to the already massive line up for the Quest 2. Today I am happy to be reviewing the Charging Dock for the Quest 2. I am aware of the Quest 3 being released and will be acquiring one in the future to further our reviews. KIWI design has already released some new Quest 3 accessories, like Knuckle Controller Grips Cover, Comfort Head Strap and Connection Kit, other products will also be released soon. But today we will be discussing the best and easiest way to charge your Quest and accessories.


Kiwi Design has that right in the name, design. They provide the best aftermarket products available for your Quest needs. This charging dock is a BEAST! When the box arrived the first thing I noticed was the weight and size of it. It really surprised me and had me very excited to see what was inside. After opening and setting it up I was highly impressed. Set up was simple, as it is with all of their products. The controllers have a new battery cover and included rechargeable batteries to go with them. This allows the controller to simply dock into the charging base.

The headset didn’t require any additional set up to connect really. There was a small magnetic piece that plugs into the charging port and allows it to connect to the base as you can see in the images. The charging piece wiggles a bit to allow for some play when setting your headset down as not to break it or have to make it exactly into the same spot. This was a wonderful design idea that adds to the already perfect design.

The base is exceptionally solid too. The base station has a charging light on the front that shows you when each item is fully charged. The base is also able to charge your device from 0% to 100% in about 2.5 hours. This was tested after some heavy play time and without using our power bank by Kiwi Design. The base is also very sleek and dare I say… sexy? Yes I will say it. The base is beautiful. It gives the Quest an improved look and adds to the entire ambience of our gaming area.


I mentioned above a little bit about how well it charges. The benefit to this base is that it keeps everything in one place and you are able to charge the controllers as well. The fact that Kiwi Design actually included rechargeable batteries in the pack to put into your controllers. This way you can guarantee the quality of the battery.

The base being able to charge all 3 equally and at such a fast rate gives you minimal downtime between playing. It also gives you the peace of mind to know that everything is charged. Sometimes I would use my own rechargeable batteries for my controllers and one would die before the other. Now, everything is charged working and great.

The other benefit like I mentioned is just how good it all looks sitting there. Kiwi Design has also worked very hard to build their reputation and gain approval from Meta. KIWI design’s Quest 2 charging dock is back on sale as “Made for Meta”, a major breakthrough for KIWI design. And KIWI design’s RGB charging stand compatible with Quest 3 will be coming soon as well, KIWI design is on its way to success.


As with all of their products we have reviewed, this one is another to add to your Christmas list. It is built to last in terms of quality, designed to give you the best experience and the fastest charging available, plus it keeps everything organized together nice and neatly. The radiant lighting on the front lights up the area and tells you when everything is ready to go. If you love your Quest then give it the base of a lifetime. Head over to Kiwi Design HERE and pick one up for the sale price of $69.99 and check out their full line up.