All-American Boutique Motorcycle Brand, Curtiss, Exclusive Maker of Hyper-Luxury Electric Motorcycles, Announces Grass Roots Public Funding Opportunity

Curtiss CEO, Matt Chambers, stated “we have a simple goal: make the best motorcycles for the world’s most accomplished ladies and gentlemen. We begin with the smallest viable audience ($100,000,000+ net worth). We earn sustainable net cash flow from first deliveries beginning in 2024. Simultaneously, based upon our superior single, patented, modular platform, we design a complete portfolio of Curtiss motorcycles for every taste, type and style. Each new luxury offering will be strategically timed to expand our market, optimizing profitable growth without compromising our promise to make only the best. Anyone that desires the highest-level of American innovation, design, specification and hand-craftsmanship will be buying from Curtiss.”

This unique opportunity is exquisitely timed. Mr. Chambers continued, “the maturity earned from 30+ years creating uncompromised motorcycles for the world’s top makers and shapers benefits from electrification. The result is that our first offering, The Curtiss Roadster, has already received over 10-times the level of interest from qualified buyers than any of our previous 8 internal combustion engine-powered models. Pre-delivery interest in the all-electric Rolls-Royce Spectre further validates that luxury loves electrification.

“To paraphrase Albert Camus, Curtiss is a culture yearning to live so free that its very existence is an act of rebellion. This organically formed our decision to appeal directly to fellow true-believer investors. This bottom-up approach is authentic for us.”

Investors interested in owning the ultimate American luxury motoring brand of the future can learn more by visiting