Hakeem Jeffries Warns Of Threats To Ongoing Economic Recovery As "Extreme" Republicans Play "Dangerous" Political Games

In a statement issued today, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries responded to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announcement reporting a notable increase of 216,000 in nonfarm payroll employment for the month of December.

“The December jobs report exceeded expectations, ending another year of strong and unprecedented job growth under the Biden-Harris Administration. Over the past three years, President Biden has led a historic economic recovery. Unemployment remains low, job creation continues to expand from pre-pandemic levels and our economic growth has increased at the highest rate in decades,” remarked Jeffries.

Jeffries went on to express concern about the threat posed by “extreme MAGA ” Republicans, accusing them of jeopardizing the ongoing recovery and the well-being of everyday Americans. He criticized their involvement in what he termed “dangerous political games” and warned of the potential for a government shutdown.

“Democrats will continue to put people over politics to build on the remarkable progress of the last three years, lowering costs, growing the middle class and creating more good-paying jobs.,” Jeffries affirmed.