Hakeem Jeffries Issues Warning: Americans Should Be 'Terrified' Of Trump's Potential Return To The White House

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, during the inaugural press conference of the year, expressed concern about the state of the Republican Party in the US Congress.

Describing Republicans as the party of “insurrection,” “impeachment,” and “illegitimate investigations,” Jeffries criticized them for lacking ideas, agenda, vision, and progress in addressing everyday problems of Americans. He said that MAGA Republicans are resorting to “political gamesmanship” due to a lack of achievements to share with the public.

Asked by The Pavlovic Today about Michelle Obama being “terrified” about the potential outcome of the 2024 election and his response to those who might share similar concerns, the Democratic Leader echoed the sentiments expressed by the former First Lady.

“The American people should be terrified by the prospect that the leading candidate for the Republican Party is the twice-impeached former president of the United States, who’s under multiple indictments, and is threatening to turn America’s democracy into a dictatorship solely to serve his own personal interests. Not the interests of the American people. That is a prospect that should terrify everyone,” outlined Jeffries.

Reminding the public, Jeffries stated, “Donald Trump has made clear” that he wants to “take away” a woman’s freedom to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions. “Donald Trump is celebrating the fact that the Supreme Court, at his direction, apparently, struck down Roe v. Wade and is criminalizing abortion care, which they’ve unleashed all across America,” Jeffries added.

“The American people should be terrified at the prospect that the extreme MAGA Republicans want to detonate Social Security and end Medicare as we know it. Extreme MAGA Republicans under the leadership of Donald Trump want to end the Affordable Care Act, which will result in more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing medical conditions losing their health care. That’s one of the top agenda items for Republicans if they would get complete control of the government. So yes, the American people should be terrified,” he added.

“Everything that we care about is on the ballot this November,” warned Jeffries.

“Reproductive freedom is on the ballot. Social security is on the ballot. Medicare is on the ballot. The Affordable Care Act is on the ballot. Gun Safety is on the ballot. And democracy itself is on the ballot.”

Later in the press conference, Jeffries pointed out that, based on his observations in New York, Republicans are attempting to present a facade of moderate politics. They aim to convince voters that they “believe in moderation,” but according to Jeffries, such assertions are inconsistent with the party’s true position.