Wildfire rages in Balakot, Mendhar forests amid landmine explosions

Srinagar: A wildfire that erupted in the forests of Balakot and Mendhar districts in Jammu and Kashmir has continued to wreak havoc, defying all efforts to bring it under control.

Reports from the affected areas indicate that the flames are spreading rapidly, posing a significant threat to the surrounding wildlife and the residents of the region. The hilly terrain in the Poonch district near the Line of Control has become a challenging battleground for firefighting teams, who are struggling to contain the inferno.

The situation is exacerbated by the difficult geographical conditions, making it tough for rescue and firefighting efforts. The fire has already engulfed vast swathes of forested areas, creating an environmental crisis.

Furthermore, it has been disclosed that the wildfire has led to the explosion of several mines in the affected region, further complicating the situation. The precise number of mines detonated remains unclear, adding an element of danger to the ongoing firefighting operations.