Is the art of public speaking your ‘golden ticket’ to business success?

By Jennifer Sieg

With great passion often comes great business ideas. However, the challenge many budding entrepreneurs face is finding that the passion alone is not quite enough to secure success.

At least that’s what Andy Harrington, founder of Professional Speakers Academy, tells City A.M.

Starting his first business in 1998 with a £10,000 loan — which he initially planned to use for a car — Harrington has since spent much of his career helping other entrepreneurs grow their business.

Especially when it comes to learning the art of public speaking, and how it can be a game-changer for many.

Harrington said a strong sense of passion is important in the early stages of any business, but to help reach full potential, “you also have to know how to sell”.

After sharing the stage with the likes of former US President Bill Clinton and Sir Richard Branson, Harrington’s top tip for success is to build an effective presentation for yourself and your business.

“Unless you learn how to effectively influence people and sell, then your business will never get off the ground,” he said.

And yes, this applies to introverted entrepreneurs, too – if you’re able to see value in it, that is.

“You’ll get better with practice as long as you value it and you have the awareness,” he said.

Kerry Curl, business coach at Kerry Curl Coaching, said: “The power of public speaking is not just for polished podium performances — it’s your secret weapon in the world of business, and yes, even in those everyday chats by the coffee machine.”

Comparing the public speaking “anxiety” to that of an “unexpected pop quiz,” Curl said the skill can be grown within all kinds of social settings, even if it’s not on a stage.

Curl added: “Public speaking isn’t just a necessary evil; it’s your golden ticket to business success.

“Imagine you’re pitching to investors, wouldn’t you rather have them nodding in agreement than dozing off?

“Mastering the art of public speaking turns your pitches into compelling stories, your team meetings into brainstorming havens, and your networking moments into opportunities waiting to happen.”