How Tulipon CEO Hilla Shaviv's Journey with Gals Bio Paves the Way for FemTech Revolution

FemTech has been a steady-growing sector in the healthcare industry, with it being expected to grow by US$ 27,956.4 million this 2024. Because of cultural events that have been happening all over the world, there is a greater drive to increase education on women’s issues—including women’s health.

However, the sector has been largely male-dominated and there is a prevailing lack of true understanding about the issue of women’s health; ultimately, the FemTech sector is continuing to battle underrepresentation and underfinancing. This is what Hilla Shaviv, CEO and Founder of Gals Bio and inventor of Tulipon, is working toward.

With a desire to advocate for women, Shaviv embarked from cardiovascular technology to FemTech. Despite the daunting lack of funding and resources, she became an entrepreneur founding Gals Bio and developing the revolutionary product Tulipon.

Tulipon: Revolutionizing Women’s Health

Tulipon, a unique invention by Shaviv, exemplifies innovation in women’s health. Designed to combine features of menstrual cups and applicator tampons, this internal wearable device also introduces diagnostic features. Tulipon provides a holistic approach to menstrual management, making it possible to use for up to 12 hours and suitable for the most common daily activities.

More than the convenience and sustainability it provides, the device can monitor menstrual effluent volume and vaginal pH which gives insights into women’s health conditions. Developing medical devices that are specific to women’s health can be complex and for Shaviv, there is constant experimentation and perseverance. With Gals Bio, Shaviv has not only worked on engineering R&D but also with a deeper level of research including understanding vaginal cavity pressures and the viscosity of menstrual effluent.

Shedding Light on a Broader Issue

Beyond the intense work involved in product development, Shaviv continues to advocate for women’s health as she actively tackles taboos and misconceptions about women’s menstrual health. In her education and public speaking engagements, Shaviv uses relatable examples and humor to simplify complex topics and make women’s health more accessible. It’s because of this effort that she has also authored a gamified book entitled, “Becoming a Young Woman,” which works to foster open discussions about menstruation, menarche, and related health issues among young girls and their caregivers.

Shaviv consistently emphasizes the value of education in elevating inclusivity and accessibility in women’s health. She collaborates with period poverty foundations by inviting public discussions and educational outreach; ultimately eradicating period poverty and providing access to necessary hygiene products.

Reimagining an Industry by Women for Women

Despite FemTech being male-dominated, Shaviv has become a prominent figure in the sector. It’s because of this that she uses her renown to encourage women to build diverse networks and leverage unique perspectives to broaden the horizon of the sector. She believes that to rebuild FemTech as a sector by women for women, women must retain resilience in overcoming challenges and continuously learning as well as build the confidence and assertiveness needed to create opportunities—whether in seeking funding or creating compelling business plans.

More than this, because only women can effectively advocate for women’s health issues, this is a primary responsibility for women in the FemTech sector. This not only includes developing innovative solutions but also promoting a deeper understanding surrounding women’s health through research and policy. Shaviv’s endeavor is an inspiration to female entrepreneurs looking to make an impact in technology and women’s healthcare.

The Future of FemTech is Alive

As 2024 unfolds and the years ahead, Gals Bio aims to continue expanding Tulipon’s diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. These capabilities will focus on personalized health solutions and, ultimately, global accessibility. Shaviv’s work with Gals Bio and Tulipon has existed to transform the way the world approaches women’s health. Hilla Shaviv will continue to leverage this in breaking down barriers and paving the way for a future where women’s health issues are given the attention and resources they rightly deserve.