Taliban releases Kyodo News Afghan reporter after 8-day detainment

An Afghan male reporter at Kyodo News' Kabul bureau who was detained by the Taliban interim government of Afghanistan last week was released Thursday, his family said.

The man was detained for eight days after being summoned by the Taliban's intelligence agency on Jan. 17. The following day, an individual believed to be from the agency came to the bureau to seize computers and cameras.

The Taliban regime was toppled by U.S.-led forces by the end of 2001 for harboring al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind terror attacks on Sept. 11 that year.

They returned to power just before the United States completed the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan in August 2021, ending a 20-year war.

The regime has implemented policies that oppress women based on their unique interpretation of Islamic law and escalated a crackdown on the media.

The international community, including Japan, has not recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government due to its brutal treatment of women and minorities.

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