Biden Secures Endorsement From The Alliance For Retired Americans

The Alliance for Retired Americans, a national grassroots advocacy organization, endorsed President Joe Biden for President of the US on Tuesday.

“Older Americans can trust Joe Biden because he always fights for us,” said Robert Roach, Jr., President of the Alliance. “With another term, he will do even more to strengthen and expand Social Security and Medicare, lower drug prices and protect the pension benefits we have earned.”

The Alliance explains their decision was driven by Biden’s record of commitment to retirement security for every American. The Alliance 4.4 million members nationwide, including 900,000 plus who live in the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, believe that the Biden-Harris administration is committed to the organization’s needs.

According to Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager, President Biden has achieved several significant accomplishments. She stressed how Biden has been able to cap the cost of insulin at $35 and lower the cost of other prescriptions after negotiating with Medicare.

“Thanks to President Biden, all Medicare beneficiaries are paying no more than $35 per month for insulin; all recommended vaccines are free; and Medicare Part D beneficiaries will pay no more than $3,200 out of pocket annually for drugs. President Biden also forced wealthy pharmaceutical corporations to negotiate lower drug prices with Medicare for the first time in history, which will save seniors and taxpayers billions of dollars over the next several years,” said Roach.

The Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign stated that former President Trump and MAGA Republicans’ continue to attack these beneficial programs for seniors like Social Security and Medicare.

“President Biden won’t just fight back against them; he’s working to strengthen these programs in the process,” said Julie Chavez Rodriguez. “The more than 4 million members of the Alliance of Retired Americans will be critical to a win in November, and President Biden is honored to have earned their support.”