Richard Grenell: Kosovo's PM Albin Kurti Is Putting American Lives At Risk

Albin Kurti has rejected the US State Department request to “reconsider” the suspension of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo on February 1,2024. Speaking the press in Kosovo on Wednesday, Kurti took a hardline stance, declaring that this matter is “non-negotiable.”

Richard Grenell, former Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo under the Trump administration, issued a forceful response to Kurti..

“If Albin Kurti wants Americans to continue paying for and protecting the security of the region through NATO troops, then he must stop making unilateral moves that risk the safety of the 572 American men and women from Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Rhode Island (and soon to be Georgia) currently serving in Kosovo,” Grenell told The Pavlovic Today.

Albin Kurti’s erratic behavior ignoring the international community’s demands can no longer be dismissed by the Biden team and the US Senate.

Richard Grenell

Grenell cautioned that Kurti’s erratic behavior, which disregards international demands, cannot be overlooked by the Biden administration and the US Senate.

“His erratic behavior ignoring the international community’s demands can no longer be dismissed by the Biden team and the US Senate,” noted Grenell.

The former Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo sounded alarm on Kosovo Prime Minister.

“He is putting American lives at risk with his actions. He must stop his belligerence – or the American troops should be pulled home for safety concerns,” he concluded in his statement to The Pavlovic Today.