Prince Harry Is 'Quaking in His Boots' as His 'Spare' Confessions Threaten His U.S. Visa Status


Prince Harry's move to the U.S. seemed abrupt to both fans and critics alike after the release of Spare, but some readers wonder if his entry into California broke immigration guidelines. In his explosive memoir, the Duke of Sussex shared various stories about royal life and confessed to regularly partaking in illegal activities.

Prince Harry moved to the U.S. in 2020.MEGA

"At the end of February, there has been an agreement that all the documents for people who've come to live in America will be revealed, and that includes Prince Harry," Angela Levin said on GB News.

Due to his royal status, Harry had relationships with American dignitaries, such as President Joe Biden, but many voters and political commentators hoped he wasn't given special treatment due to his title.

"Now the trouble is there, has he mentioned that he takes a lot of drugs? Have they allowed him to come in regardless or will they send him home to the U.K.? I mean, it's a huge thing," she continued.

Critics wonder if the U.S. government allowed Prince Harry to break immigration policies. MEGA

In the U.S., confession to using banned substances could lead to an applicant being denied a visa, and celebrities, including Amy Winehouse,were denied the privilege due to their public battles with addiction.

"It's taking place in Washington by a judge and a decision will be made," the biographer continued. "So I think he should be quaking in his boots. It could make a for a very difficult situation."

"If we heard that he was allowed to go through, despite his blood taken, there would be a huge upheaval," she added. "Because there's quite a few well-known people who have been turned away from America because of their so-called criminal records."

A conservative think tank sued for access to Prince Harry's visa application.MEGA

Harry's choice of address has been a topic of conversation since he settled down in California, and the Head of U.S. Immigration Christi Jackson addressed the public's concerns in a statement.

"Anything that he has admitted to regarding drug use before the age of 18 should not affect his eligibility for a U.S. visa," Jackson stated.

"If he had admitted to drug use when he was over 18, in order for it to lead to visa ineligibility, the admission would have to have been a valid admission which means it cannot just be out in the news or written in their book," he explained.

Prince Harry openly struggled with royal life.MEGA

In order for Harry's comments to cause a significant threat to his home life, he would have had to omit the details during his initial application.

"You have to show that the person has provided the definition and admitted to all essential elements of the crime while under oath," Jackson shared. "Making a statement in a book is not going to be considered a valid admission."

OK! previously reported conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation requested the Department of Homeland Security publicize Harry's file, but the case was shut down twice.

After the foundation lost its argument the first time, Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom Nile Gardiner said, "The Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to stonewall the Heritage Foundation’s Freedom of Information request are unacceptable, and we will be contesting their position."

"This argument makes no sense, but is not surprising coming from the zero transparency Biden administration," he added.

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