Gujjar community upset by reservation allocated to Paharis


Tensions have flared in Jammu and Kashmir as members of the Gujjar community express discontent over the recent allocation of reservation benefits to the Pahari community. The decision has sparked outrage among Gujjars, who feel marginalized by the move.

In a bid to voice their concerns, tribal activists gathered at Press Enclave in Srinagar to protest against allocation of benefits. However, Srinagar Police detained several activists, including prominent figures such as Zahid Parwaz, Zubair Chowdhary, Shahid Ayoub, and Muzzafar Ch.

The Government of India (GOI) has decided to grant Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to upper castes, a decision that threatens to upend the very essence of reservation policies, Gujjars said. The announcement has plunged the Gujjar Bakarwal Community of J&K into despair, with many viewing it as a significant blow to their identity and rights.

The passage of the Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order (Amendment) Bill, 2023, in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday exacerbated tensions. The bills, which received support from MPs across party lines, have paved the way for the inclusion of several upper caste communities in the ST list of Jammu and Kashmir.

Under the amended ST Bill, the Pahari Ethnic Group has been included in the Scheduled Tribes list, along with the addition of the Gadda Brahman, Koli, and Paddari communities. Meanwhile, the SC Bill aims to include the Valmiki community in the Scheduled Castes list of Jammu and Kashmir.

“Urgent Tribal activists peacefully protesting in Press Enclave, Srinagar, have been unjustly detained by Srinagar Police. We demand the immediate release of




@MuzzafarCh and all others. Freedom of speech and peaceful assembly must be respected!,” a tweet by Ch Tabasum Yaseen read.

“Unconstitutional Bill passed in Lok Sabha by BJP, murdered the third largest community and Constitution also. We will resist, we will raise voice against this injustice. Don’t say any word about Gujjar Bakerwals you did nothing for us. Get back the political reservation also,” said Gujjar activist Zahid Choudhary.