Dr. Luigi Forino Von Thyssen Shares His Best Practices in His Two Decades of Excellence in the Oil and Gas

*Written by Anne Schulze*

With over two decades of experience with energy giants and now the president of the multinational oil and gas marketing facilitation company, MCC Petroli, Dr. Luigi (Louis) Forino Von Thyssen has emerged as a figure of innovation and strategic foresight in the dynamic oil and gas industry. He has led significant advancements and navigated the sector’s complexities.

His military background and pivotal roles in oil trading and maritime logistics present insightful lessons on resilience, vision, and transformative leadership.

The Art of Always Moving Forward

Dr. Forino-Thyssen’s transition from a military career to a leading figure in the oil and gas industry exemplifies innovation and adaptability. His encounter with the prominent Baron De Rothschild in 2000 during a NATO mission in Geneva was a turning point in his career.

Recognizing Dr. Forino-Thyssen’s engineering expertise, Sir Rothschild offered him an opportunity that blended his technical skills with the vast possibilities of the energy sector. Seizing this opportunity and leveraging his skills became a defining moment for Dr. Forino-Thyssen, altering his professional philosophy.

Dr. Forino-Thyssen believes in embracing a proactive approach in the fast-paced oil and gas industry. He explains that capitalizing on new opportunities, optimizing operations, and sustaining growth are crucial to keeping up with the market. Moreover, this philosophy allows him to promote sustainable energy solutions and adapt to global environmental trends.

Technology as His Ally

Dr. Forino-Thyssen’s educational background in IT engineering from the University of Computer Science and a master’s degree in software engineering in Geneva, Switzerland, introduced him early on to the impact of technology. His innovations have shown how technology can elevate the industry.

His creation of the INTRAK in 2003, a patented algorithm software, enhanced operational efficiency and safety. By leveraging real-time data analysis to optimize shipping routes, Dr. Forino-Thyssen’s INTRAK significantly reduced navigation costs and minimized risks associated with maritime transport, particularly in piracy-prone areas.

Dr. Forino-Thyssen’s commitment to tech-driven solutions continues with the development of NAFTAhub®, an AI-based platform designed to streamline the prequalification process of oil and gas trading. This initiative showcases the ongoing potential of how sophisticated AI technologies can revolutionize industry practices, making them more efficient and secure.

“The oil and gas industry has come a long way in innovation and efficiency, driven by technological advancements. It paves the way for a more sustainable and economically viable future,” says Dr. Forino Von Thyssen.

The Balance of Success and Failure

Dr. Forino-Thyssen was appointed president of MCC Petroli after the MCC Board of Directors’ meeting in Hong Kong in 2011. Under his leadership, the company has achieved remarkable success, owning 474 oil transport ships, operating in 95 countries, and boasting a trading office in strategically major ports worldwide, alongside logistics with storage silos and a turnover of over 600 billion dollars.

However, Dr. Forino-Thyssen admits that challenges are also behind these impressive achievements. Navigating the oil and gas industry’s uncertainties has required his patience and tenacity. Accepting failures when original plans did not materialize and bouncing back stronger after setbacks are lessons he has learned from experience.

“I’ve faced my fair share of ups and downs. These experiences have made me more resilient, wiser, and bolder in my decisions,” Dr. Forino shares. “It’s not always about what goes right but how you respond to setbacks and failures.”

A Continuous Commitment to Excellence

Dr. Forino’s contributions to the global energy sector stand out, providing critical insights at the intersection of technology, leadership, and strategic foresight. His leadership in MCC PETROLI and NAFTAhub® tells a compelling story of change and adaptation, characterized by resilience, groundbreaking innovation, and a proactive stance in the face of industry challenges.

As the oil and gas sector remains crucial to the global economy, continuous innovation and transformation are necessary. Dr. Forino’s visionary leadership and MCC PETROLI’s pioneering initiatives will undoubtedly shape the future of the dynamic global energy market.