Azad met several delegations in Rajouri


Chairman DPAP Ghulam Nabi Azad visited the revered Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah RA Shrine at Shahdara Sharief, Rajouri. As a symbol of reverence and devotion, Azad offered a chadar at the shrine and fervently prayed for peace and prosperity to prevail. Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah RA Shrine serves as a beacon of spiritual solace and communal harmony, welcoming people of all regions and religions to come together in prayer. Azad emphasized the importance of spreading the message of unity and brotherhood among all communities. Later, Azad met various delegations in Rajouri, underscoring the importance of grassroots efforts in strengthening the party. He encouraged party members to intensify their efforts at the grassroots level, emphasizing the pivotal role they play in building robust community engagement and support. He reiterated the significance of connecting with the people on local issues and addressing their concerns effectively. Azad has departed for Poonch, where he is scheduled to address a public meeting in Mandi tomorrow. Among others who were present were Vice Chairman Mr. GM Saroori, General Secretary RS Chib, Gen Sec Anita Thakur, Chief Spokesperson Salman Nizami, State Secretary Sunita Arora, Masood Choudhary State Secretary, Zonal President Zahid Sarfarz Malik, Lovely Gupta State Secretary, District President Sushil Sharma, Youth President Hassan Mirza, and others.