Cultivating Autoflower Seeds: Top 3 Tips for This Season

Cultivating autoflower seeds can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both seasoned cultivators and novice green thumbs alike. Autoflowering cannabis strains offer a range of advantages, including rapid growth and shorter flowering times. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into the world of autoflowering cannabis and explore three essential tips that will help you optimize your autoflower crop this season.

Understanding Autoflowering Cannabis

Before we dive into the tips for successful autoflower cultivation, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of what sets autoflowering strains apart from their photoperiod counterparts. Autoflowers are the result of crossbreeding traditional cannabis strains with Cannabis ruderalis, a subspecies adapted to harsh growing environments with limited light. This genetic fusion grants autoflower strains the unique ability to transition from vegetative growth to flowering automatically, based on age rather than a change in the light cycle.

So, why should you choose autoflowers for your cannabis garden?

  • Speed: One of the most significant advantages of autoflowers is their rapid growth cycle. They can progress from seed to harvest in as little as 8-10 weeks, making them a favorite among impatient growers.
  • Size: Autoflowers tend to stay smaller in stature compared to photoperiod strains. This compact size makes them ideal for indoor cultivation and discreet growing, where space may be limited.
  • Resilience: Autoflowers often display robust resistance to pests and diseases, making them a reliable choice for growers looking for a low-maintenance option.

The Right Setup

Now that you understand the basics of autoflowering cannabis, let’s focus on creating the ideal growing environment for your plants. Proper setup is crucial to maximizing your autoflower crop’s potential.

  • Lighting: While autoflowers do not necessitate light cycle adjustments like photoperiod strains, providing quality lighting is still essential for their growth and development.
  • Intensity: Aim for lights that deliver a Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) of at least 500 µmol/m²/s at the canopy level. This ensures that your plants receive adequate light for photosynthesis.
  • Spectrum: Opt for full-spectrum LED lights, as they simulate natural sunlight and provide all the necessary wavelengths for optimal growth.
  • Schedule: Autoflowers thrive with longer light cycles. Many growers choose an 18/6 cycle (18 hours on, 6 hours off), while some even run their lights 24 hours a day to maximize growth during the vegetative stage.
  • Medium: Autoflowers are not particularly picky about their growing medium, but they tend to perform best in well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral pH mediums.
  • Soil: Utilize a light and airy soil mix enriched with plenty of perlite for improved drainage.
  • Hydroponics: Autoflowers can also thrive in hydroponic setups, which provide precise control over nutrient delivery.
  • Container Size: Due to their shorter life span, autoflowers do not require large pots. 5-gallon containers are typically sufficient for healthy root development and overall plant growth.
  • Environment: Regulate temperature and humidity levels to create the optimal conditions for your autoflowering plants.
  • Temperature: Maintain a grow area temperature between 68-77°F (20-25°C) to ensure that your plants are comfortable and productive.
  • Humidity: Aim for 40-50% relative humidity during the flowering stage and 50-70% during vegetative growth to prevent mold issues and maintain healthy plants.

Nutrients & Watering

Providing the right nutrients and managing watering is crucial for the successful cultivation of autoflowering cannabis.


  • Growth Stage: During the vegetative stage, focus on nitrogen-rich nutrients to promote healthy leaf and stem development.
  • Flowering Stage: As your plants transition into the flowering phase, shift towards phosphorus and potassium-rich nutrients to support robust bud development.


  • Quality: Use filtered or pH-balanced water to prevent nutrient lockout, which can occur when the pH of your water is too high or too low, making it difficult for plants to absorb nutrients.
  • Frequency: Avoid overwatering your autoflowers. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering to prevent root rot and other moisture-related issues.

Training Techniques

While autoflowers typically lack sufficient vegetative growth time for high-stress training (HST) methods like topping or mainlining, low-stress training (LST) can still be advantageous in shaping your plants and maximizing light exposure.

  • LST: Gently bend and tie branches to encourage a more even canopy and light distribution. This technique can help ensure that all parts of the plant receive adequate light, leading to more substantial yields.
  • Pruning: If necessary, remove only essential leaves and branches to prevent undue stress to your autoflowers. Be cautious not to overdo it, as autoflowers have limited time for recovery.

Harvesting Wisely

Knowing when to harvest your autoflowers is vital to maximize potency and yield, as these plants have a predetermined life cycle.

  • Trichome Check: Use a magnifier to assess the trichomes on your buds for harvest readiness. Look for milky white trichomes with some amber ones, as this typically indicates the ideal time to harvest. Harvesting too early can result in less potent buds, while waiting too long can lead to a more sedative effect.
  • Flush: In the week before harvest, stop nutrient feeding and switch to plain water to flush out any remaining nutrients from the plant. This can enhance the flavor and overall quality of your buds.

Cultivating autoflower seeds can be a game-changer in your cannabis cultivation journey, offering speedy growth and versatility. By comprehending the unique needs of autoflowering plants and applying the tips outlined above, you’re well on your way to a successful and bountiful harvest.

Remember to stay attentive to your plants, as they communicate their needs through their leaves and growth patterns. Maintaining a growing journal to record your successes and setbacks can become a valuable tool for refining your green thumb skills with autoflower strains.

A prosperous autoflower grow hinges on a delicate balance of providing the right environment, offering gentle care, and having a willingness to learn from each growing cycle. Embrace the process, and may your autoflower harvests be abundant, potent, and ultimately fulfilling!