Dream, Create, Connect: The Secret Formula to Muses Reverie's Artistic Community

In the ever-evolving tapestry of art and culture, a new series of threads has been woven in creating a vibrant pattern of sisterhood, creativity, and adventure. Welcome to Muses Reverie, an avant-garde community created by founder Eden Tijerina that passionately honors and nurtures the ethos of female artistry in a realm that transcends the ordinary.

This unique, self-supported enclave is not just a gathering; it’s the start of a movement, where women spanning the globe and diverse creative disciplines come together to ignite inspiration and foster empowerment.

But Muses Reverie is more than a collective; it’s a sanctuary for female artists yearning to connect, create, and challenge the conventional boundaries of artistry. Welcoming painters and sculptors, writers and creatives alike, Muses Reverie reveres women of all ages and backgrounds provided they possess the willingness to learn, listen, and practice for the honing of their craft. Whether you’re an impassioned novice or a seasoned professional seeking new inspiration, Muses Reverie beckons with a myriad of opportunities for growth and kinship.

At the core of Muses Reverie resides enchanting, fairytale-like retreats that transport members to some of the world’s most captivating destinations. Picture immersing yourself in a week-long sojourn with like-minded women within the walls of a 500-year-old Scottish seaside castle, savoring whiskey by the fire, followed by an evening of candlelit lectures in the library exploring philosophical love letters delivered by a brilliant female professor. Alternatively, you may choose to embark on a journey with your mother or best friend to the rugged seaside cliffs of Lundy Island on the Bristol Channel. Here, Dr. Lynn Paramore, a delightful and cunning guide, shares the rich history of women in folklore before you set out to witness the newly born baby seals learning to swim on the rocky beach. If a French villa in Normandy beckons, surrounded by kindred spirits engaged in soul-stirring art projects and spirit-igniting adventures, Muses Reverie has hosted this as well. These retreats unfold to foster creativity, collaboration, and camaraderie, marked by daily group dinners, workshops led by inspiring women, and explorations of breathtaking surroundings.

The magic extends beyond distant horizons as Muses Reverie also brings captivating events closer to home. Consider the May Day picnic in Prospect Park, where a vintage fashion show and a hands-on lecture by a textile expert from the MET unfolded, captivating the imagination. The Garden of Alchemy dinner party, hosted in a historical Brooklyn mansion, featured fire dancers weaving through shadows, professional puppeteers casting stories on the walls, and a spellbinding musical performance by renowned singer Chrystabell, filling the night with enchantment. These gatherings transcend mere parties; they are meticulously crafted experiences, designed to celebrate and elevate the essence of womanhood.

In the digital realm, Muses Reverie now flourishes as a virtual agora, where members connect, collaborate, and inspire each other within a private Discord channel. Artistic challenges centered around themes such as “Female Rage,” “Sanctuary,” and “Sisterhood” beckon Muses to interpret and express these concepts through their chosen mediums, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and inspiration. The brand new platform also extends mentorship opportunities, providing a space for emerging talents and established artists to learn, share experiences, and evolve together.

The upcoming season introduces an exhilarating theme – “Female Rage.” Anticipate engaging in the first art assignments, participating in an online film fest, and discovering two unforgettable summer retreats. These endeavors not only serve as canvases for artistic expression but also carve out a realm where female voices are not only heard but celebrated and amplified.

Joining Muses Reverie is an open invitation to embark on a journey of artistic exploration and personal growth. This is more than a membership; it’s a passport to a world where art and adventure converge in extraordinary ways.

Muses Reverie is not merely constructing a community; it’s forging a legacy that transcends geographical and artistic boundaries, whether in person or online. It stands as a celebration of the diverse female experience, offering a space where every woman can unearth her inner muse, push her boundaries, and revel in the satisfaction of creation.

To the artists, dreamers, and adventurers out there: Muses Reverie beckons. Will you answer the call?