African Union motion denouncing Gaza genocide fails to pass

Israeli diplomats spent weeks trying to block a motion at the African Union to strip the country of its observer status with the bloc and cancel cut relations, according to reports.

Various high-level diplomats allegedly reached out to African heads of state and foreign ministers over the past few weeks to preemptively weaken motions South Africa and Algeria planned to submit at the African Union's annual summit, which was held last weekend in Addis Ababa.

The motions aimed to strip Israel of its observer status at the organisations, suspend ties with the country and declare that Israel was guilty of genocide in Gaza.

In some cases, senior Israeli foreign ministry officials were sent to countries it has no fixed relations with, according to one report.

Israeli intelligence had already informed the media last month that several African states were lobbying to remove Israel’s observer status in the African Union.

The news appeared to be confirmed when a senior Israeli diplomat was expelled from the organisation’s yearly summit in Addis Ababa on Saturday during the opening ceremony, sparking protests from Israel who blamed South Africa and Algeria for the incident.

The African Union said on Sunday that Israel’s observer status was temporarily suspended, a move welcomed by Palestinian campaigners.

"No State which has consistently demonstrated a blatant disregard for the principles of the African Union, and for the rule of law, should be granted the privileges which come with Observer Status – including the ability to influence these very goals and values of the African Union," said Haydee Dijkstal, External Chief Counsel for the ICJP.

In the end, a vote over the weekend left Israel as an observer state, as several African states voted against South Africa and Algeria's proposals.

Algeria and South Africa are both considered to be active supporters of the Palestinian cause. The foreign ministers of both countries met on the sidelines of the African Union meeting on Friday and expressed renewed commitment to end what the two nations called a genocide in Gaza.

South Africa, in particular, has come under heavy criticism from Israel for spearheading international efforts to halt war crimes committed by the Israeli army in Gaza.

Its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice for genocide has been regarded as a landmark moment in the struggle for justice for Palestinians and an attempt to hold Tel Aviv accountable at the highest judicial level in the world.

The preliminary ruling by ICJ judges ordered Israel to do all it could to prevent death, destruction, and any acts of genocide against Palestinians in the territory.

Israel has until now ignored the 26 January ruling with thousands of civilians killed in Gaza since then.

© Al-Araby Al-Jadeed