Woman Plans to Report Co-Worker Who Refuses to Take Mandated Lunch Break: 'Tired of Hearing Her Complain About Being Hungry'

Co-workers arguing about lunch break in the office

A woman onReddit is planning on reporting her co-worker after the co-worker refused to take a mandatory lunch break.

“So, to make this as short and concise as possible, I (23F) have a coworker, Bea (18F), who never takes a full break at work. We pull ten hour shifts, and she makes nearly every shift she works an 11-12 hour shift and refuses to take her required break because ‘there’s something else she can be doing,'” the post begins.

“She might stop for five minutes to eat a piece of bread or something, but she never sits down and takes her full break (most I’ve ever seen her take is 20 minutes) and I rarely see her actually eat a meal or even a substantial snack. Another coworker, Hailey (18F), has told me she has witnessed the same behavior from Bea and it stresses her out just as much as it stresses me out,” the woman continued.

The woman then notes that she does not want her co-worker to get burned out or to be overworked. Despite the woman’s insistence to take a break, the co-worker refuses to stop working and then complains about being tired and hungry.

“She chooses tasks that are low priority to complete first and she will half-a-s or rush through any task she can, which always results in an inferior product and problems that the rest of us have to take time correcting later, which is a waste of time and money. Neither Hailey nor I know why she does this, as she comes from a financially comfortable family and has recently come back from spending a semester abroad in Europe. Hailey grew up around Bea and knows her family, and they don’t have any kind of money problems,” the woman shared.

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The assistant manager is aware of the co-worker’s actions the woman says, but has done nothing about it.

“The assistant manager has been present for many of these shifts and is aware of these issues, but has done absolutely nothing and has essentially taken on the ‘not my monkeys, not my circus’ attitude. Hailey has begun to stop caring, because she doesn’t have the time or space in her life to stress about somebody else at work. Neither do I, but my concern is making me consider telling our manager, who I know would actually address the situation rather than ignoring it like our assistant manager,” the woman concluded before asking if she would be wrong for reporting the co-worker.

People in the comments section agreed that the woman was wrong for caring so much about what her co-worker was doing during her shift.

“If what she does won’t affect your life directly, then you should not report her,” one Reddit user said.

“Why does it stress you out? This situation doesn’t impact you what so ever. Your worrying to much about what other people are doing, just mind your business and you will love a happier life,” another user added.

“Good grief. Mind your own business,” someone else chimed in.

“Leave her alone,” a person stated.

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