LaCivita Takes Stand: RNC Must Focus Solely On Defeating Biden, Rejects Barbour's Resolution

“The primary is over and it is the RNC’s sole responsibility to defeat Joe Biden and win back the White House,” said Chris LaCivita, Trump Campaign Senior Advisor in response to Henry Barbour’s draft resolution urging the RNC to avoid involvement in Trump’s legal battles. “Efforts to delay that assist Joe Biden in the destruction of our nation. Republicans cannot stand on the sidelines and allow this to happen,” he added.

Barbour’s draft resolutions states that the RNC and its leadership “will stay neutral throughout the Presidential primary and not take on additional staff from any of the active Presidential campaigns until a nominee is clearly determined by reaching 1,215 delegates.”

Barbour is also proposing a second resolution that would prohibit the RNC from covering Trump’s legal expenses. “The Republican National Committee will not pay the legal bills of any of our candidates for any federal or state office, but will focus our spending on efforts directly related to the 2024 election cycle,” the proposal readers.

CNN was the first to report on the draft resolution.