Hang out with your cat all day with easy harness hack using everyday item

Using just a normal hoodie, you can use this trick to create the perfect cat harness and keep your pet comfortable and close.

If you’re the owner of a particularly affectionate feline, you’ll know exactly how it feels when you’re trying to be productive but your pet just won’t stop being clingy. As shown by a new life hack, however, you can turn your hoodie into a convenient miniature harness to trick your cat into falling asleep while you try to focus on working from home or getting on with chores.

Never lose sight of your cat with this easy hoodie harness trick

A new wave of netizens have just learned about an adorable way to keep your furry friend in your sights, without disrupting your day.

As pointed out by a TikToker named Xav, all you need to try out the harness trick with your cat is a hoodie – which you can wear backward, providing the perfect cubby hole for them to sleep in, just below your face.

Assuming your cat is the type of cat who enjoys your company, and won’t proceed to claw your face to smithereens, you’ve just provided them with the ideal space that should satisfy their need to spend time with you, without strutting over your keyboard or knocking over your coffee.

‘My face would be bleeding’ – not every cat owner is convinced

Just in case you think the cat harness trick is too good to be true, a number of cat owners took to social media to give Xav’s trick a shot – only to discover that the move sent their cats to sleep almost instantly, with ne happy owner even managing to fit a pair of kittens inside her hoodie:

Not every cat owner is convinced, however.

Beneath one successful harness attempt on Instagram, one user wrote: “My face would be bleeding”.

Their sentiment was echoed by another viewer who added: “The scars that I have just received have taught me that a full grown cat cannot fit in the hood of a hoodie…”

“Ok I’ve just lost my chin and nearly my left eye”, added the owner of a less-than-impressed cat.

How to make your cat more affectionate

If you’ve tried the harness trick and just about managed to live to tell the tale before your cat could scratch you to death, you might want to try some of these top tips which can supposedly help to make your pet more affectionate.

According to pet care experts Knose, top tips for raising your cat to be affectionate include:

  • Treating kittens like a new born: If you’re fortunate to own your cat from its kitten stage, make sure to spend as much time with them as you can – treating them less like a cat and more like a baby, including bottle feeding them and helping them go to the bathroom.
  • Rewarding good behavior:Just as you would a child, make sure your cat knows the benefits of behaving well, by supplying them with small treats after a successful play session.
  • Keep your cat healthy: As you can imagine, a healthy cat is a happy cat – so keep yours in shape and active to increase the likelihood of them returning the love and affection that you show them.