[To the castle town of Ozu] How to get to Ozu from Kagawa, Hiroshima, Okayama, and Oita

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How to get to Ozu from the prefectures around Setouchi

Ozu City in Ehime Prefecture was once a castle town, and many of its old-fashioned streets remain.

In recent years, the area has also attracted attention as a tourist destination, with its perfect wooden reproduction of Ozu Castle , the elaborately designed sukiya-style building of Garyu Sanso , and the shops in old houses selling carefully selected products.

* Sukiya-style architecture - A teahouse that incorporates natural materials and makes the most of the texture of each material

In this article, we will introduce how to get to Ozu City from Kagawa, Hiroshima, Okayama, and Oita!

Also, please refer to this article for information on how to access each facility once you arrive in Ozu.

How to rent a car in Japan. What you need, how much it costs, etc.

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