Nevada fake electors trial pushed until after the 2024 presidential election

Former President Donald Trump at the South Dakota Republican Party's Monument Leaders Rally in Rapid City, S.D. on Sept. 8. Scott Olson/Getty Images

Six Republicans facing criminal charges linked to Donald Trump's attempt to claim the 2020 presidential election won't stand trial until after the former president is expected to run again in 2024.

Nevada Judge Mary Kay Holthus punted their trial, slated to begin this month, to Jan. 13, 2025, the Associated Press reports. Holthus also scheduled a hearing next month to discuss defendants' attempt to have the charges tossed.

The six defendants are state GOP chairman Michael McDonald, national party committee member Jim DeGraffenreid, Clark County party chair Jesse Law, Storey County clerk Jim Hindle, national and Douglas County committee member Shawn Meehan and party member Eileen Rice, according to the report.

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The six could face up to five years in prison if convicted of offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument.

The group argue prosecutors don't have enough evidence and there was no intent to commit crimes, the report notes.

Trump lost Nevada by more than 30,000 votes to President Joe Biden.

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