Trump wins Republican caucuses in North Dakota

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Former President Donald Trump won the North Dakota Republican caucuses Monday, according to projections from NBC News and the New York Times.

Trump defeated former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley in the last contest before Super Tuesday, the day with most delegates at stake as 15 states hold primaries and caucuses. A third of the delegates are up for grabs.

Haley, a former governor of South Carolina, has experienced repeat losses excluding a brief victory in Washington D.C. where she won about 63 percent of the vote, the New York Times notes.

"It is unclear if Ms. Haley can win any of the coming state contests," the Times writes. "Mr. Trump leads by wide margins in polls both nationally and in states that will vote on Tuesday."

Trump will claim North Dakota's 29 GOP delegates only if he receives at least 60 percent of the vote, according to NBC. If Trump doesn't make it to 60 percent, the delegates will be split proportionally between Trump and Haley.

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