Israel army raid villages across West Bank, demolish home

The Israeli army carried out several raids across the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, arresting a number of Palestinians and demolishing a home.

Witnesses told Anadolu that the army raided Kafr Dan town, near the cities of Jenin and Tulkarem, in the northern West Bank.

Other raids were also reported in the Aqbat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho city, eastern West Bank, and Kobar. The witness added that the army had also stormed into many homes in the camp and clashed with Palestinians.

All Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law but Israel's defence ministry has still permitted the construction of more settlement outposts. 🧑‍⚖️

— The New Arab (@The_NewArab)

The Israeli army detained several Palestinians from Kobar village, including the wife and sister of Nael al-Barghouti, the longest-serving Palestinian detainee in Israeli jails. Iman Nafe, Barghouti's wife, was released in November as part of a prisoner swap deal with Hamas.

Israel has re-arrested at least 11 Palestinians who were recently released as part of ceasefire prisoner swap deals, according to Al Araby TV.

Violence against Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli forces and settlers has escalated further since 7 October.

Israeli forces have conducted frequent raids in the occupied West Bank, killing at least 410 Palestinians and injuring 4,600 others.

This year has been the deadliest on record for children in the West Bank.

Israel currently detains 9,100 Palestinians, with almost half in administrative detentions without trial. It also holds at least 200 Palestinian children in prisons.

© Al-Araby Al-Jadeed