'Biblical Devil': Sinéad O'Connor's Estate Moves to Block Her Music Being Played at Donald Trump Rallies

The estate of Sinéad O’Connor demanded that Donald Trump no longer play her music at his political events, saying the late singer would have been “disgusted, hurt, and insulted.”

Knewz.com has learned that the decision came after her song “Nothing Compares 2 U” was played at a Conservative Political Action Conference event on February 24, according to the BBC.

The estate of Sinéad O'Connor demanded that Donald Trump stop using her music at political events. By: MEGA

The statement said that she never would have agreed to have her work “misrepresented” by “someone who she herself referred to as a ‘biblical devil.’”

It finished with a demand reading “As the guardians of her legacy, we demand that Donald Trump, and his associates desist from using her music immediately.”

The famed Irish songwriter was famous for her political activism, drawing attention to causes such as child abuse, women’s rights and human rights. She is most famous for tearing up a photograph of Pope John Paul II in 1992 to protest the Catholic Church’s history of sexual abuse.

In 1992, that action was deeply controversial, but she was largely vindicated in the years that followed after the scope and scale of the Catholic Church abuses became widely known globally.

O'Connor was famous for her sharp political activism. By: MEGA

“Nothing Compares 2 U,” written by Prince for his band The Family, was re-recorded by O’Connor and became her biggest hit. According to Q magazine, it made it to No.1 in seven countries, including the U.S., U.K., and her native Ireland.

A host of musicians have requested that Trump stop using their music at his political events.

In a list compiled by Q Magazine, those artists include Rihanna, the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Adele, Sir Elton John, Linkin Park and Nickelback.

The Smiths are a rare case where the band does not appear to agree on whether to allow Trump to use their music, which may not be overly surprising considering the ugly nature of the band’s divorce in 1987.

Guitarist Johnny Marr said he would shut down Trump’s use of their music after an event in North Dakota featured the song “Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want.”

O'Connor is not the only musician to demand Trump stop playing their music. By: MEGA

However, Marr’s former bandmate Morrissey has become a vocal supporter of the Republican movement.

O’Connor died in July 2023 at the age of 56, with the coroner saying it was due to natural causes.

Trump is in the heart of the Republican primary campaign season in which he appears set to win the party’s nomination for the presidency.

A new poll reported by Knewz.com found that one in seven Republicans said they would not vote for Donald Trump; they did not however say they would vote for Joe Biden.

In a recent interview for Newsmax, Trump said he would pursue a policy of “mass deportation” of migrants if he became the next U.S. president and would create an immunity provision for local police officers who “get them out.”

People gather during the funeral for Sinead O'Connor. By: MEGA

He added that “we will not have a country left” if Biden wins reelection in November.

A series of polls published over the weekend by the New York Times buoyed the Trump campaign, showing him with a clear lead over Biden, who is struggling to shed concerns about his age.