Court Showdown: Christina Ricci's Ex-Husband James Heerdegen Scores Big at Custody Hearing

The exes faced off this week. MEGA

Christina Ricci’s ex-husband scored a major win as part of the exes’ never-ending court battle over their son.

According to court documents obtained by, the Yellowjackets star and her ex James Heerdegen appeared for a hearing on March 4.

Ricci appeared via Zoom while her ex was present in the courtroom. MEGA

The couple, who were married from 2013 to 2021, worked out a custody settlement in 2022. However, in early 2023, Ricci rushed to court pleading for her ex’s overnight visits with be suspended.

Ricci said she made the request based on the recommendation of a private therapist. Heerdegen fiercely opposed the motion and claimed he had done nothing wrong.

In response, Heerdegen accused the actress of attempting to alienate him from his son and called her a vindictive ex. At one point, he claimed Ricci was “psychological abusing” their son.

He said, “Ricci is using [their son to accomplish her own angry agenda by intentionally painting a negative picture of his father via deprecating comments, blame, and false accusations.”

Last year, Ricci asked for the overnight visits to be suspended. MEGA

Last year, the judge sided with Ricci. The court suspended Heerdegen’s overnight visits. Both parties were ordered to attempt to work together.

A few months later, Heerdegen accused Ricci of having their son work 12-hour days on the set of Yellowjackets. He demanded the judge appoint an official to monitor Ricci and their son.

Ricci denied all of her ex’s allegations. She said their son was not working 12-hour days, she did not subject him to ay sort of abuse, and was in no way trying to alienate Heerdegen from the child.

At the time, the actress told the court, “Jimmy is simply harassing me at this point and is taking out his anger on me because the Court temporarily eliminated his every other Saturday overnight. Jimmy is abusing this process by going into Court on an emergency basis asking for completely baseless custody orders. He will use the excuse that he does not have a lawyer, and does not know what he is doing, but he does not have to be a lawyer to know how to abuse the Court system.”

Ricci and her ex have been fighting for over a year. MEGA

In November, Heerdegen filed a motion pleading for custody to be restored. He demanded the child’s private therapist be removed — due to his belief the therapist was conspiring against him with Ricci.

At the hearing this week, the judge heard Heerdegen’s testimony and agreed to grant him a monthly overnight visit with his son.

“[Heerdegen’s] request for a monthly overnight visit with the minor child is granted. The parties shall meet and confer regarding the scheduling of the once monthly, weekend overnight visit,” the order read.

The judge denied the request to remove the private therapist or to terminate Ricci’s tie-breaking authority over joint legal custody.

Ricci's ex claimed their son was working 12-hour days on the 'Yellowjackets' set — which the actress denied. Showtime

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Both parties were ordered not to disparage the other or allow third parties to do so. A hearing has been set for June for the parties to update the court on the situation.

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