Military: Ukraine aims to stabilize front line, conduct counteroffensive in 2024

Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavliuk, Ukraine's deputy defense minister since February 2023, was appointed as the head of Ukraine's Ground Forces by a presidential decree on Feb. 11, 2024. (Defense Ministry/Telegram)

The main goal of the Ukrainian forces is to stabilize the situation on the front line and create an offensive grouping to conduct counteroffensive actions in 2024, Ukraine's Ground Forces Commander Oleksandr Pavliuk said on national television March 6.

The Armed Forces withdrew in February from several settlements in Donetsk Oblast, including Avdiivka, a key front-line city, due to severe ammunition shortages exacerbated by delays in U.S. aid.

Heavy battles also continue in Kherson, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhizhia Oblasts as Russian troops try to advance further, using not only military equipment but also conducting "human wave" assaults.

Pavliuk said that the current situation on the front line is "difficult but controlled."

Russia wants to occupy as many territories as possible before the Russian presidential elections, which is why all their forces are involved in the assault operations, according to the Ukrainian commander.

Pavliuk also said that Russia sends recently mobilized and unprepared soldiers to the front line to "intercept the initiative."

"Our goal is to stabilize the front line, to destroy the enemy as much as possible, regroup as much as possible to move the units to landfills to create an offensive grouping, and to conduct counteroffensive actions this year," Pavliuk said.

Russian troops are making the most intense efforts near the city of Chasiv Yar and the village of Terny in Donetsk Oblast, according to the commander. Ukrainian forces "stand confident," and "Russia's losses are high," Pavliuk added.

"I think we will stabilize the situation soon and do everything to prepare forces to switch to more active actions and take the initiative," he said.

Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi said earlier in February that Ukrainian troops have switched from offensive to defensive posture and aim to exhaust advancing Russian forces.

Changes in Ukraine's tactics were compelled by the lack of weaponry sent by Western allies.

Read also: Ukraine war latest: Russia launches missile strike at Odesa during Zelensky, Greek PM visit, killing 5