Ofsted inspects Inkspots pre-school in Inkpen

A VILLAGE pre-school has received a ‘good’ rating from education watchdog Ofsted.

An inspector visited Inkspots pre-school at Inkpen Primary School in Weavers Walk.


They rated it ‘good’ for quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and for leadership and management.

The report stated: “The small setting is inclusive and welcoming.

“It offers a broad curriculum that spans all seven areas of learning effectively.

“Children show a willingness to learn.

“Staff help children to be positive learners.

“A high focus is made to help children develop language, communication and knowledge of the wider world around them.”

It added: “Children demonstrate a good attitude to their learning and are curious and excited about what they do.

“They behave very well at all times.

“Children are respectful to each other and the staff who care for them.”

To improve, said the inspector, the pre-school should “strengthen coaching and support to help guide all staff to be more confident and precise in their teaching.”

The report noted that this was the first routine inspection the pre-school received since the Covid-19 pandemic began.

The inspector spoke with children, parents and staff to produce the report.