Trump PAC tries to provoke Biden by airing attack ad during his favorite TV show

Joe Biden, President of United States of America, during press conference after NATO extraordinary SUMMIT 2022. (

The super PAC supporting Donald Trump is trying to give president Joe Biden the same treatment that the Lincoln Project gave to his predecessor.

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political outfit, frequently airs insulting ads during programs the former president would be likely to watch, which has prompted angry outbursts and lawsuit threats from their target, and Make America Great Again Inc. is seemingly to turn the tables on Biden with a scathing attack during his favorite show, reported the New York Times.

"The ad, titled 'Jugular,' aired on MSNBC on Thursday morning during one of Mr. Biden’s favorite shows, 'Morning Joe,'" wrote Maggie Haberman for the Times. "It will air nationally through the day and Friday morning on MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and Newsmax, according to the super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. The size of the two-day ad buy was not immediately clear."

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The ad seems designed to hit Biden in his weakest spot – his age – before and after he give his State of the Union address and highlights his response to a report from special counsel Robert Hur, who investigated his possession of classified documents after his time as vice president, that makes reference to his age and difficulty remembering some events and details.

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"The ad uses footage of Mr. Biden responding to that report at a White House news conference, during which he at times seemed visibly angry and flustered," Haberman wrote. "The ad says that people understand Mr. Biden’s 'weakness' and adds, 'Can Biden even survive until 2029?' It then asks, over footage of Vice President Kamala Harris laughing and Mr. Biden falling on the stairs while boarding Air Force One, 'Can we?'"

A Biden campaign spokesman did not respond to a request for comment, and as yet the president has not posted any reaction on his Twitter account.

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