Biden SOTU to paint pivotal choice ahead: Honesty and equality vs revenge and retribution

U.S. President Joe Biden delivering the 2023 State of the Union Address. Image via Picryl/Creative Commons.

At President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Thursday night, he is expected to offer Americans a contrast in leaders.

“My lifetime has taught me to embrace freedom and democracy, the President is expected to tell the American public, according to excerpts released by the White House. “A future based on the core values that have defined America: honesty, decency, dignity, equality. To respect everyone. To give everyone a fair shot. To give hate no safe harbor.”

“Now some other people my age see a different story: an American story of resentment, revenge, and retribution. That’s not me,” Biden will say.

He is also expected to focus on Republicans overturning Roe v. Wade and ending the constitutional civil right of women’s right to choose.

“In its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court majority wrote ‘Women are not without electoral or political power.’ No kidding. Clearly those bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade have no clue about the power of women in America. But they found out when reproductive freedom was on the ballot and won in 2022, 2023, and they will find out again in 2024.”

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Biden will then ask Americans to elect pro-choice members of Congress.

“If Americans send me a Congress that supports the right to choose I promise you: I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again.”

He is also expected to speak to the lack of attention his strong list of successes has received from the press, but he will hand the credit for his successes to the American people.

“I came to office determined to get us through one of the toughest periods in our nation’s history. And we have,” President Biden is expected to say. “It doesn’t make the news, but in thousands of cities and towns the American people are writing the greatest comeback story never told. So let’s tell that story here and now. America’s comeback is building a future of American possibilities, building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up – not the top down, investing in all of America – in all Americans – to make sure everyone has a fair shot and we leave no one behind.”

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