Shamed and indicted George Santos announces he's running for election again

(Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc. via Getty Images)

George Santos wants back on the Hill.

The ousted lawmaker, who invented his credentials and is under indictment forwire fraud among other charges, has had his fill of citizen life; he's also done with Cameos and tea-spilling on Twitter.

He has announced another run for Congress to challenge Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY).

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"After a lot of prayer and conversation with my friends and family, I have made a very important decision that will shake things up," he wrote in a tweet. "Tonight, I want to announce that I will be returning to the arena of politics and challenging Nick for the battle over #NY1."

He added: "I look forward to debating him on the issues and on his weak record as a Republican. The fight for our majority is imperative for the survival of the country. God bless you all, and we are off to the races!"

He reportedly filed the requisite paperwork too.

The announcement came as Santos returned to the Capitol to take in the State of the Union address.

He was interviewed earlier in the evening and said "I don't put anything past my desire to run for office, but right now I'm a spectator. I'm just here watching."

Santos promised "that I will never back down because of my love for this country."

He then turned on the politician mode.

"New York hasn’t had a real conservative represent them since I left office arbitrarily, thanks to RINO, empty suits like @nicklalota," he wrote. "He is a willing to risk the future of our majority and the future of this country for his own political gain."

LaLota quickly shot back, relishing the potential challenge.

"To raise the standard in Congress, and to hold a pathological liar who stole an election accountable, I led the charge to expel George Santos. If finishing the job requires beating him in a primary, count me in.”

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