GOP candidate: 'I don't know the facts' about Biden infrastructure law I want to repeal

David McCormick in Conshohocken last month. - Tom Gralish/The Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

A Republican Senate candidate called to repeal President Joe Biden's infrastructure law but admits he doesn't actually know much about it.

Pennsylvania has received over $13 billion from the bipartisan infrastructure law, but GOP candidate Dave McCormick has made rolling back that funding a key issue in his U.S. Senate campaign, reported The Keystone.

“The number one thing you do with a Senate majority, a House majority and Republican president in the White House is you roll back all those incredibly expensive Biden bills," McCormick told a conservative talk radio host in November. "The infrastructure bill, the Build Back Better – all of that stuff."

McCormick acknowledged voters wanted to expand broadband service, which Biden's law does, and admitted he didn't know much about reconnecting a passenger rail line between Scranton and New York City, although he opposes the project backed by his opponent Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA).

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“We’ve got world-class universities, we’ve got really great infrastructure with the exception of pipeline for natural gas," McCormick told Lackawanna County commissioner Chris Chermak, a Republican. "We have great broadband, generally speaking, access to New York City and other places."

“I’m not sure like the train, maybe the train, I don’t know the facts, the pros and cons,” McCormick added.

The Biden administration is committed to connect rural areas to broadband internet by 2030, and Pennsylvania received nearly $12. billion for that last June, and Amtrak got $66 billion in federal funding for critical station upgrades on railways in the commonwealth.

Casey secured an additional $144 million from the Biden law to add a second daily train on the Pennsylvanian Line and announced that Amtrak was planning to reconnect Scranton to New York City.

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