'Sit this one out': Trump 'pill mill' doc called out for saying Biden is 'overmedicated'

FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, meets with Senator Jon Tester

President Joe Biden's State of the Union Address was broadly well-received by viewers and pundits alike — and did a lot to challenge worries that he lacked the energy at his age to mount an energetic campaign for the White House. In fact, he was so energetic that Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) had a conspiracy theory about why.

"Wow! They over medicated him! Angry, confused, and yelling," Jackson posted to his social media. "I think Hunter may be prescribing his drugs now!"

Jackson's statement earned him heaps of scorn from commenters on social media — most of whom reminded him he was the last one who should be talking, as reporting alleged he handed out drugs freely and was drunk and doped up on Ambien on the job when he served as the White House doctor.

ALSO READ: 'What a piece of work': Marjorie Greene's 'childish' SOTU response trashed by Senate Dems

"Perhaps the guy who ran a pill mill out of the White House and was demoted from Admiral for chasing Ambien with booze on the job should sit this one out," posted Allison Gill, a veteran and comedian better known as Mueller, She Wrote.

"Ronny Jackson handed fentanyl out like it was candy when Trump was in White House," posted "JoJoFromJerz."

"If anyone knows about over medicating, it’s you Captain," wrote former CIA officer and national security analyst John Sipher.

"Hey captain! my captain! (now that the Navy has demoted you)" wrote photojournalist Pete Souza. "The only ones medicated are the Trump staff members that you fed drugs to without a prescription. Did you also drug Trump too? The Washington Post is on it."

"Irony is OFFICIALLY on life support," posted celebrity hairstylist Elgin Charles. "Focus on your sobriety instead of trying to make quips that will please Mango Mussolini."

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