Biden Voices Concern Over Trump's Mar-a-Lago Meeting With Orban

As he secures the path to the Republican nomination, President Donald Trump has added a new item to his campaign agenda. He hosted Hungarian President Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago on Friday, a location formerly dubbed “the Winter White House” by Sean Spicer during Trump’s tenure.

The statement released by the Trump campaign indicates that Trump and Orban discussed a wide array of issues affecting Hungary and the United States. The singular issue Trump prioritized in his discussion with Orban was “importance of strong and secure borders to protect the sovereignty of each nation.”

Donald Trump hosts Victor Orban at Mar-a-Lago [ Photo: TRUMP campaign handout]

At the campaign event on Friday, Biden criticized Trump for meeting Victor Urban. “You know who he’s meeting with today down at Mar-a-Lago?” Biden pointedly asked, drawing attention to Trump’s meeting with Orban, pointing out how the President of Hungary has said democracy doesn’t work.

When asked earlier if he was worried about Trump meeting with Viktor Orban and continuing to do so, Biden said, ” If I’m not, you should be.”