Satire: How Fox Would Have Preferred to Cover the State of the Union Address

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Using AI and deep fakes, FOX’s coverage of Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech would have looked totally different than the version of it aired on CNN and MSNBC. Biden moved down the aisle at a glacial pace with the aid of a walker and then collapsed. He was transferred to a wheelchair and required several Secret Service agents to lift him up to the stage.

After the applause subsided, he looked down at the podium and realized he had forgotten to bring his speech. Another delay occurred while aides scurried to find the folder containing his speech. By the time he started to talk he was drooling profusely and asking where he was.

Then he opened with this line: “In January 1941, Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation, and he said, ‘I address you in a moment, unprecedented in the history of the union.’ I mention this only because FDR was in a wheelchair too and still was fit enough to serve out his third term.”

Biden castigated the Supreme Court for overturning Roe vs. Wade denying doctors the opportunity to commit infanticide on fetuses in the last weeks of the third term. He felt late abortions were needed so he could get stem cells and transplant organs to keep him alive through his second term.

When he spoke about the bi-partisan immigration bill, he invited leaders of the most violent Mexican drug cartels up to the stage. After they thanked him for letting their businesses flourish. Biden cited this as an example of how Bidenomics promoted growth from the middle out and the bottom up. After all, he reasoned, the Cartels employed a lot of people and brought an endless supply of cheap labor to the United States.

He pledged to appoint Hunter Biden to run the Department of Commerce. That way lobbyist bribes could go directly to the Biden crime family. Biden announced that would tax the rich more heavily and that the millions of dollars in fines imposed on Trump were a good beginning at reducing the deficit.

When he raised the issue of inflation, he called most Americans a bunch of spoiled complainers. He hadn’t noticed any increased prices when dining at the White House, riding in his limousine, or flying in Airforce One.

Biden ended his speech by reminding Americans that democracy was at stake in the coming presidential election. He regretted that the threat to it had not been preempted by the prosecutions against Trump and the 1/6 protesters that he had personally ordered. His only regret was that he didn’t command Merrick Garland to charge and convict Trump earlier in his administration and demand the death penalty for him.


Baron is professor emeritus at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via

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