Philippe Clement plants dig on Rangers figure who is partly responsible for squad decimation

Rangers manager Philippe Clement lands a thinly veiled dig on former Ibrox boss Michael Beale in comments following the Scottish Cup win over Hibs.

The Belgian was talking about the club’s enveloping injury crisis with another three players now facing issues following a bruising battle in Edinburgh.

Rangers’ injury problems go back several seasons and have badly contributed to the club’s domestic downturn in recent campaigns.

Speaking about the situation following the 2-0 victory over the Hibees, the Rangers manager has suggested that the issues lie in being ill-prepared in the summer.

Philippe Clement in Michael Beale injury dig

In what is a thinly-veiled dig at the outgoing Michael Beale, who was in charge of Rangers in the summer, Philippe Clement has suggested that a lack of proper fitness work has led to a series of injury issues.

The Ibrox boss has also praised a “huge change” in the fitness levels of the squad ever since he came into the club.

“I think it’s very clear for everybody if you like now and four months ago there’s a huge change in that,” said Clement.

“We are not there where I want them to be but for that I need the preparation, what they missed, clearly.

“Because still people are falling out, coming back, and others falling out. So there are only a few players in the squad who are ready for what I want.

“That’s a competitive team who’s there every three days with that intensity. So I have a few, like Connor (Goldson), John (Souttar), (John) Lundstram, (James) Tavernier, are proving that and there are a few players growing in that way.

“I want the total squad to be ready but for that you need more training which I cannot do now for the moment because we have all these games.”

Rangers injury issues continue to mount

The Philippe Clement comments really highlight the shortcomings of Rangers’ fitness preparations, even before the time of Michael Beale.

The club has been plagued by injury issues for the last two an a half seasons and it has cost the Gers in very big moments.

As injury problems enveloped Giovanni van Bronckhorst’s team we played the Europa League Final without a recognised striker and the issues eventually cost the Dutchman his job.

Photo by Gualter Fatia/Getty Images

Michael Beale’s terrible start to the season was also plagued by issues whilst they have persisted into the rest of the campaign.

At this stage Rangers fans are painfully familiar with injury problems at the club and as the issues once again begin to mount, they’ll believe in any change when they see it.