Read all about it – residents at Hickathrift House care home in Marshland St James celebrate world book day

Bookshelves are bulging at a care home where bookworm residents were keen to get involved in World Book Day.

Staff and residents at Hickathrift House care home in Marshland St James decided to host a discussion about residents’ favourite books, dress as characters from their favourite books, visit the local Wisbech Library, and launch their monthly book trolley.

Kat Colangelo, the head of activities at the home, said: “Our residents all love to read and discuss their favourite books so World Book Day is a fantastic opportunity for us all to spend the day with our noses in our favourite books.

A book trolley for World Book Day
Staff dressed up for World Book Day

“We also had a great game of guessing the famous novel through images and short descriptions.”

Paula Colman, general manager at the home, said: “It has been a brilliant day, and we have all enjoyed swapping our must-reads with our new book trolley and dressing up as our favourite characters.

“The residents love getting lost in a good book, so they very much enjoyed reading excerpts from their favourite novels and discussing what they love about them.

Staff at the care home dressed up for World Book Day
A library visit for World Book Day
A library visit for World Book Day

“There are so many wonderful books to discover, everyone enjoyed finding out about new titles to put on their reading lists from our local library.”