Former Russian ‘head’ of Kharkiv Oblast sentenced to 14 years in prison


The report says that law enforcement officers detained the collaborator during the liberation of Kupiansk in 2022. He was hiding from justice there.

The convict was a former employee of a local unit of the “militsiya,” which was disbanded after police reforms in Ukraine. According to the SBU, the man was one of the first to support the occupiers in Balakliya.

Initially, the collaborator was "appointed" the head of the occupation "Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation" operating in the city at the time. The traitor was engaged in fabricating "criminal cases" against Ukrainians and organized the duty of his subordinates at checkpoints, the statement said.

Read also: SBU detains traitor who helped Russians evade Ukrainian air defenses in Dnipro

Subsequently, the occupiers made him the leader of the local community.

Upon being found guilty he was sentenced to 14 years in prison and deprived of the right to hold positions in law enforcement for 11 years.

The traitor's elite real estate and a luxury SUV were also confiscated.

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Section: Nation

Author: Мария Озеран