Ukraine’s ruling party in war of words with Georgian government

David Arakhamia

"The pro-Kremlin Georgian authorities are putting forward some demands to extradite our citizens in order to 'normalize ties’," he wrote on Telegram.

“Ukraine also has requirements for Georgia to ‘normalize relations’,” Arakhamia added.

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“They include:

· To release Mikheil Saakashvili from prison and return him to Ukraine

· To stop direct flights with the Russian Federation, which is not purely Ukrainian, but also the Georgian people’s demand

· To stop helping the aggressor evade sanctions.”

"Then all ties will be restored easily," he added.

Mikheil Saakashvili's imprisonment — what is known

In September 2021, Saakashvili returned to Georgia, where he was arrested by Georgian authorities. Several cases have been opened against the politician, in which he was sentenced to six years in prison. In protest, the politician went on hunger strike several times, insisting that he was arrested on political charges.

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Saakashvili's lawyers, family, and supporters say the politician's health condition is extremely serious due to hunger strikes and ill-treatment, and he requires treatment abroad.

Saakashvili was diagnosed with dementia and tuberculosis, the politician's lawyer, Shalva Khachapuridze, said in November 2022. According to the politician himself, he could have been poisoned by Russian agents.

The Georgian government is killing Saakashvili, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in February 2023, calling for his release for treatment in Ukraine or another country.

Saakashvili finally appeared in court again in July. Opposition media in Georgia published a photo of him showing significant weight loss.

Georgia’s Ambassador to Ukraine, Giorgi Zakarashvili, had been given a strong protest over the deteriorating condition of the imprisoned Saakashvili, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry reported on July 4.

Doctors from Poland were allowed to visit Saakashvili on July 12, after six months of delay.

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Section: Nation

Author: Альона Сонько