Chinese Hypersonic Drone Is More Efficient Than U.S. F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter Jet, Study Shows

A new line of China's unmanned hypersonic aircraft fleet is more aerodynamically efficient than the United States' F-22, according to a new study.

Scientists from Beijing say the new hypersonic drone is capable of a lift-to-drag ratio of 8.4 in subsonic flight — which rivals the F-22 Raptor, has learned.

An artist's rendering of China's MD-22 hypersonic drone. By: Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

The lift-to-drag ratio plays a key part in the measurement of aerodynamic efficiency. The higher the ratio, the less gravitational pull affects the aircraft, allowing it to fly farther distances, according to The South China Morning Post.

Currently, the F-22 is the only stealth fighter in the U.S.'s fleet that can go into supercruise — sustained flight at supersonic speeds.

However, little is known about the secretive F-22.

China's hypersonic aircraft has a lift-to-drag ratio higher than 4, even when flying at six times the speed of sound, which indicates that it has better aerodynamic efficiency than the F-22 overall.

According to a new study, China's hypersonic drone is more aerodynamically efficient than the United States' F-22 Raptor (pictured). By: MEGA

Therefore, the aircraft can maneuver flexibly in thin atmosphere at high altitudes, which makes it difficult for missile defense systems to accurately track.

Previously, the abilities of the aircraft were only suggested in theory.

But the new study, led by Zhang Chenan, a researcher with the state key laboratory of high-temperature gas dynamics at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, put the aircraft to a true test.

Zhang said in the study, published in the peer-reviewed Chinese academic journal Acta Mechanica Sinica on February 23, that Chinese scientists and engineers overcame challenges related to lift-to-drag ratio, stability, thermal protection and payload integration, achieving “engineering practicality” in attaining the new technology.

The F-22 is believed to be the most aerodynamic drone the U.S. military has. By: MEGA

Zhang and his team did not reveal what model was used in the study, but the findings suggest it could be the MD-22 wide-speed-zone hypersonic flight vehicle, which was made public in 2019.

China has recently been working on many new technological advances in the military.

As reported on January 23, scientists in China have reportedly brought the "dream bullet," originally envisioned by the United States Navy, to life.

The special ammunition can continuously change and adjust its flight path according to directions provided via satellite.

Scientist Feng Junhong has developed the breakthrough military component with the National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Energy at the Naval University of Engineering in China.

Scientists from Beijing say the new hypersonic drone is capable of a lift-to-drag ratio of 8.4 in subsonic flight — which rivals the F-22 Raptor. By: MEGA

Bullets that can curve their trajectory and adjust their flight path are the stuff of science fiction, and the development of this revolutionary ammunition can be a potential game changer in warfare.

With rising global tensions, the development of advanced weaponry has far more cascading implications and could have a so-called domino effect on the future of global politics.

According to the South China Morning Post, the advanced "dream bullet" can travel at a speed of Mach 7, covering a distance of 8,200 feet in a single second.

Meant to be fired from an electromagnetic gun, the bullet receives navigation signals from the BeiDou Navigation Satellite constellation owned and operated by the China National Space Administration. While adjusting its flight path, the ammunition can maintain an error of 49 feet until striking the target.