Lara Trump skewered for saying U.S. was better off in March 2020 — when COVID-19 hit

(Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia commons)

Americans have a message for Republicans like Lara Trump who keep arguing the nation was better off four years when it stood on the brink of a devastating global pandemic: stop trying to make that Ronald Reagan quote happen.

Lara Trump, the Republican National Committee's newly elected co-chair, took to Fox News Tuesday to tout "massive resources" invested in an election integrity committee and her father-in-law Donald, the presidential candidate she supports.

"People look around and they say, 'Am I better off now than I was four years ago?'" Lara Trump said. "The answer to that is no, you can compare how much better your life was with Donald Trump in office."

As Rep. Elise Stefanik noted — when she touted this same line last week — the question comes from former President Reagan. As those who watched Stefanik make this comment noted, four years ago COVID-19 was about to come crashing down on the nation.

Lara Trump's decision to repeat this slogan outraged viewers who caught the clip on X Tuesday night.

X user Quimby Jones shared a link to an article dated March 12, 2020, detailing the worst stock market crash since Black Monday.

"2020 was a dumpster fire, in every single way," replied Greg Cantwell. "Worst year of the 21st century. By a hundred miles."

X user Snarky Libruhl 2.0 quipped about the recent purge at the Republican National Committee, where about 60 staffers were axed in a firing "bloodbath" on Monday.

"I know about 60 former RNC staffers who might disagree," they replied.

Charles Schultz reminded viewers of a crucial supply outage spurred by consumer panic in March 2020

"I have toilet paper paper now," he wrote. "Not under Frump."

Sarah Rumpf shared the video clip with a GIF from "Mean Girls" when the film's antagonist Regina George snaps at one of her followers, "Stop trying to make fetch happen."

"Are they still trying to make that line work?" Rumpf asked. "4 years ago I was making less money & very worried about medically vulnerable loved ones."

But for historian and political commentator Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Lara Trump's most worrying comment was news of the "election integrity committee."

"Folks, this is the upside down world of [authoritarianism]," she wrote. " Election integrity=election fraud, denial, rigging."

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