Meghan and Harry: Netflix 'don't want to admit they hired talentless grifters' - Lee Cohen

Lee Cohen has claimed that Netflix don't want to admit that they hired "talentless grifters" in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle amid speculation over whether their five-year deal with the streaming giant will be renewed.

Since striking the deal, the couple has released their eponymous six-part docuseries, Harry & Meghan, in the latter part of 2022.

Harry also released the documentary Heart of Invictus last August.

It is unclear whether their contract will be renewed when it comes to an end in 2025, but speaking at a Netflix event earlier this year, Chief Content Officer Bela Bajaria revealed Harry and Meghan are working on "a couple of unscripted things" as well as a "movie and a TV show".

American journalist Lee Cohen told GBN America: "Netflix doesn't want to admit that they picked talentless grifters in Harry and Meghan.

Meghan and Harry

"In the end, all they care about is the Sussexes' ability to attract viewers. Unfortunately, as you know, they can attract attention like a car crash. Painful to watch, but you can't turn away.

"It does look like that's that's where we're heading with these two. There'll be definitely more work on the cards, in my view, with Netflix and everything else."

The co-chief of Netflix, Ted Sandros, talked about the “controversial” couple’s successful deal with the streaming platform.

Sandros said: “The documentary we did on them [Harry and Meghan] is still one of our most-watched documentaries of all time on Netflix and huge, particularly in the UK, where people just devour everything about them.

Nana Akua, Lee Cohen

“They’re controversial, but that’s usually a good thing.

"You may love them or hate them, but you’re watching.”

A source previously told The Telegraph that they have “fictional” and “fun” content in the works.

The source said: “There will be more of a heavy focus on fictional, scripted content, it will be romcoms, feel-good and light-hearted programmes.”

Meghan and Harry

This comes after Harry and Meghan made a surprise visit earlier this week to Uvalde, Texas to spend time with the family of a victim of the May 2022 school shooting.

Discussing the visit with Nana Akua, Cohen said: "Once again they are trying to project their image into serious things.

"In defiance of what Hollywood executives, comics, cartoons in the public think their new branding efforts to paint themselves as serious, respected public figures.

"It's reasonable, Nana, to think that anyone would actually be looking to these this two, who are nothing more than social media influencers, for wisdom in any serious arena."