Destruction recorded due to fighting with volunteer in villages of Belgorod region

Destruction due to combat actions was recorded in two villages of Belgorod district (photo:

During the fighting in the Belgorod region between the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Russian Armed Forces, serious damage to residential buildings has been recorded, according to the Governor of the Belgorod region, Sergey Gladkov.

The governor noted that he visited the Grayvoronsky district. According to him, the village of Kozinka has suffered very serious damage.

Photo: VV Gladkov (source:

Photo: VV Gladkov (source:

In addition, Gladkov reported that the village of Gruzskoye in the Borisovsky district came under fire.

"Shrapnel from shells shattered windows in two apartments of a residential building, as well as damaged a fence at a private residence and three cars. There were no casualties. Emergency services are working at the scene. A household survey of the area will continue during daylight hours," he wrote.

Volunteer raid from Ukraine into Russia

On March 12, it became known about the border breakthrough by volunteers of the Freedom of Russia Legion, RVC (Russian Volunteer Corps), and the Siberian Battalion. Volunteer battalions entered from the territory of Ukraine into the Kursk and Belgorod regions of Russia.

Later, it was reported that the volunteers had taken control of the village of Tetkino in the Kursk region of Russia.

On the morning of March 14, residents of Belgorod complained about overflights. Russian media reported on an alleged breakthrough by sabotage and reconnaissance groups (SRG) in the Belgorod region.

In the area of the settlements of Spodaryushino and Kozinka in the Belgorod region of Russia, a battle was ongoing involving the use of armored vehicles and multiple launch rocket systems.