German climate protest group Fridays for Future call demonstrations

A man carries a globe with a miniature Eiffel Tower and the 1.5-degree target of the Paris climate protection agreement during a demonstration in front of the Alte Oper in Frankfurt. Germany's Fridays for Future climate protest movement is calling for demonstrations on March 31 to demand more action to address climate change. Boris Roessler/dpa

Germany's Fridays for Future climate protest movement is calling for demonstrations on March 31 to demand more action to address climate change.

Fridays for Future is also calling for demonstrations to be held in Germany on June 9 in the run-up to the European Parliament elections, group spokeswoman Annika Rittmann told dpa on Friday.

"We are calling for policies that do justice to the urgent situation and protect people from the climate crisis and fascism," activist Luisa Neubauer, among the best-known leaders of the movement said.

Neubauer said that Europe is in no way adequately prepared for the consequences of global warming, and that hundreds of thousands of people could die from heatwaves in the foreseeable future.

"The last few years in Germany and Europe have shown that good climate policy is possible and can work," she said.