Orban calls for 'occupying Brussels' in European Parliament elections

Victor Orban (Photo: Getty Images)

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban called for help to "occupy Brussels" in the upcoming European Parliament elections, which will take place this summer, according to AP.

Hungarian Prime Minister delivered a speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 against the Habsburg rule. During his speech, Orban compared the EU to imperial occupiers and called the Western world a source of cultural decay and destruction.

"They start wars, destroy worlds, redraw countries’ borders and graze on everything like locusts. We Hungarians live differently and want to live differently," Orban said.

The Prime Minister of Hungary once again criticized immigration and LGBTQ+ rights, while also appealing to national pride and sovereignty.

“Brussels is not the first empire that has set its eyes on Hungary. The peoples of Europe today are afraid that Brussels will take away their freedom. ... If we want to preserve Hungary’s freedom and sovereignty, we have no choice: We have to occupy Brussels," Orban stated.

Hungary's stance on the war in Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban takes an openly anti-Ukrainian position. He often makes statements to discredit Ukraine.

Since the start of the full-scale war, Hungary has not provided military assistance to Ukraine and has also blocked European Union sanctions against Russia. Moreover, Budapest continues to trade with Russia, and Hungarian government representatives visit Moscow.

In November, Orban claimed that supposedly Ukraine would not be able to defeat Russia on the battlefield.

"From where we are now, it's obvious that the Ukrainians will not win on the frontline. There is no solution on the battleground. Russians will not lose. There will be no political change in Moscow. This is the reality," he stated.