'Missteps and public embarrassments' doom Comer's Biden crusade as GOP moves on: columnist

Rep. James Comer

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) has indicated that he is giving up on trying to paint President Joe Biden as the head of a crime family after a series of blunders that have left "egg on the face" of House Republicans.

That is the opinion of MSNBC's Ja'han Jones who added that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has also signaled he wants nothing to do with the investigation that many have said has been on the path to nowhere since it began.

In his column for MSNBC, Jones wrote that Comer — along with House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) — have engaged in a pursuit of Biden and his son Hunter that can only be characterized as full of "missteps and public embarrassment" and which has them looking for an "exit strategy."

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That, in turn, has given Johnson the freedom to pour cold water on even attempting to take their case to the House floor for a vote that will likely fail.

As Jones points out, Johnson stuck a fork in any hopes the inquiry will move forward by telling reporters he is barely paying attention to what the committee chairmen are doing these days.

According to Johnson, "To be very frank with you, very honest and transparent, because I’ve been so busy with all my other responsibilities, I have not been able to take the time to do the deep dive into the evidence.”

That, the MSNBC columnist suggested, is the death knell for a Biden impeachment attempt.

Noting that Comer and Jordan plan to send a criminal referral to the DOJ, which has no obligation to act upon it, MSNBC's Jones wrote, "Oh, how far we’ve come. Comer and the House GOP started their impeachment crusade with such high hopes. Now, it’s looking like it may amount to little more than a strongly worded letter."

You can read more here.

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