Ukraine’s HUR discloses Russian plans to produce Armata tanks in 2024

T-14 Armat tank

Russia plans to produce 29 such tanks in 2024, ArmyInform said, citing HUR.

"However, it is most likely that this plan will not be fulfilled,” the report says.

“For example, in 2023, not a single tank was produced out of the planned 29 units."

The Armata has not passed state tests as of 2023 and has yet to be adopted by the Russian Armed Forces.

There is currently no information regarding the use of Armata tanks in the war against Ukraine, HUR said.

Russia refused to send Armata tanks to the frontline in Ukraine because of fears of reputational damage from their losses and insufficient numbers, said UK intelligence on March 5

Read also: Russia withholds ‘prestige’ Armata MBTs in Ukraine due to concerns over reputational risk — UK intel

The new T-14 has entered service with the Russian army, but will not be sent to Ukraine, the head of the Russian defense corporation Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, said on March 4.

The myth of the "invincible" Russian T-14 tanks based on the Armata universal tracked platform still exists only in Russian propaganda, because they have not yet participated in any battle, said the HUR head, Kyrylo Budanov, in September 2023.

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Section: Nation

Author: Мария Озеран