Mike Lindell reveals evidence he says will convince Supreme Court of voter fraud

(Right Cheer/Matt Johnson)

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has taken a pivotal step to bring his 2020 election voting machine fraud case before the Supreme Court.

"When they docket it, I think you're all going to be in agreement with me. The Supreme Court, they're the last line of defense, so to speak, and they view our elections as critical infrastructure," he said on Friday at X Space before gaming out a 9-0 shutout vote victory, according to Newsweek.

The staunch ally of former President Donald Trump has been trumpeting allegations that there was rampant fraud committed during the 2020 presidential election that saw Trump fall and Biden be sworn into office.

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Lindell has professed that the country should make paper balloting the law of the land while disparaging the voting machines outfitted by companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic as juked.

He's already facing defamation lawsuits brought by both companies.

Lindell said that his attorneys are pressing for the high court to consider hearing his challenge before the November 5 election, when Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee will likely battle Biden in a sequel.

The day before the bedding exec appeared on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast.

"You know, tell them to tell them about the Supreme Court, then say here's a set of sheets for your sleep," he said.

He said he hopes his case will be heard "really fast" and that he expects his complaint will be made available for the public to read in the coming days.

"We're gonna prove they stole it, and we're gonna set things right."

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