Staff and residents at Aria Court care home in March take part in half marathon wheelchair walk for Comic Relief

Staff and residents from a care home took part in a different kind of half marathon this week as they took part in a 13.1 wheelchair walk.

The team from Aria Court in March challenged themselves to do the walk in aid of Comic Relief and wore red noses along the way.

They completed the walk in five hours despite the chilly weather.

Staff and residents at Aria Court care home in March

The event, which saw residents and staff team up to conquer the total distance with participants taking turns pushing wheelchairs around the half-mile loops at Avenue Park.

The team said they had a lot of fun and enjoyed getting our in the fresh air, ensuring the seated residents were wrapped up warm while those doing the pushing did not overheat.

Those who did not take part kept a close eye on progress from the home at Coronation Close in March.

Staff and residents at Aria Court care home in March

A total of £200 has been raised so far, with more donations still coming in.

There is still time to donate and can be done so by visiting the care home’s Just Giving page.

A total of £200 has been raised so far

Have you been fundraising for Comic Relief? Tell us about it by emailing